Welcome and thank you for taking the time to view my railway photography website, my name is Gareth Harrison and I am a photographer (Associate member to the Royal Photographic Society) based in Plymouth, Devon. I am also a qualified Guard and TTI at the South Devon Railway.
My interest in railways began from an early age as my Dad worked firstly as a stores clerk for British Rail, rising to the position of Logistics Manager  with First Great Western. We were fortunate to receive free rail travel in the UK and most of Europe, so many day-trips and holidays were spent on trains. My association with the South Devon Railway began in 1996 when I visited as part of a school trip, it was also a key part of many of my photography projects when I was studying at college, particularly my degree project which features in the gallery section. 
A return to the South Devon Railway in 2015 re-ignited my love for the railway and consequently I then became a volunteer TTI the following year and then becoming a Guard in 2018.
The galleries within the website are of the South Devon Railway, Main line steam, as well as some other heritage railways in the Westcountry, there is also images of recent travels abroad. The galleries will become more varied as I explore and visit more of the UK's heritage railways.
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